I don’t want to go to work: keys to recover work motivation

You may not be in your dream job, but until now you haven’t worried about your state of mind. Suddenly one day you think: I don’t want to go to work. And the same thing happens the next day, and the next, and the next… What’s happening to you? Don’t let it go because demotivation at work can affect other areas of your life. So we have found the keys to recover work motivation.

I don’t want to go to work: why is this happening to you?

But before recovering that lost motivation you have to know the cause of the demotivation. You don’t want to go to work but do you know why? The causes of this lack of interest and desire in your work can be varied and some can be serious. How is your mental health? Because depression is one of the most frequent causes for losing motivation at work.

By ruling out depression or a hostile environment at work to the point of suffering from mobbing, which are situations that must be treated urgently, you can focus on other causes that you can solve on your own. Your work may be too routine or monotonous and you are getting bored, you may suffer wear and tear due to a lack of recognition for your effort, you may be going through a personal moment of demotivation or you may not find meaning in life in general.

Although unfortunately, most of the time job demotivation is found in that imbalance between what you bring to your job and what your job brings to you. In other words, that the remuneration is not commensurate with your effort and thus the desire is lost.

How to recover work motivation?

Knowing that you are in a delicate moment and that you urgently need to recover work motivation is a step, but what is the next step? We have some ideas for you to change the chip when it comes to going to work.

Change your routine when you wake up

Yes, forgive us, but this means setting the alarm clock a little earlier. This effort to get up a little earlier will be rewarded if you dedicate those extra minutes to doing mindfulness, yoga or if you like to go for a run. Within that reward is also a delicious, well-rounded breakfast. You can do whatever you want in those minutes scratched from your sleep, but always things that make you feel good. This way you will start the day with another perspective.

Reflect on your work

Is it your ideal job? Do you like your job? Maybe you are trying in the wrong place. Also think about what options you have and what you can do to get closer to what you would like to dedicate yourself to. Get to it, come up with a plan, but in the meantime, you have to stay in this job and with the best possible attitude, right?

Things that make you happy

You can think of work as the means to achieve the things that make you happy. Buying books, going to the theater, traveling, decorating your home, giving gifts to your loved ones… Your job makes all of these things possible, it doesn’t just cover your basic needs.

Is there something you can change about your job?

It cannot be done in all cases, but see if you can change a routine, make it more fun, more attractive or, in any case, introduce a change that makes it different. Many times to change the background it is enough to change the shape.

And disconnect

It may seem contradictory that we recommend you forget about your work for a few days to regain your motivation, but it is the best recipe. A few days of vacation without thinking about work can do wonders when it comes to recovering the desire. Because many times it’s not that you’re unmotivated, it’s that you’re tired.

With these tricks you will get results in a few days. And most importantly, don’t worry too much about not wanting to go to work so it doesn’t become an obsessive thought. After all, nobody expects you to come singing to the office.

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